Feasibility Stage

Interior design is an Art which undoubtedly goes hand in hand with science. The experts of Inner Art Interiors create spaces which reflects the client’s style, enabling them  fall in love with the space. We know that there is no good interior without functionality. Thus for the benefit of Our customers, we begin every interior project with a detailed and comprehensive project feasibility study…

Project feasibility stage is actually the analysis phase, enabling us to carefully consider the scope, requirements and logistics of the project, in accordance with the available budget and the time frame.

If there are any concerns related regarding the project feasibility, we at Inner Art Interiors ensure they are brought into the attention of the client at the earliest possible juncture…

However creative may be the vision of the client, we’d be delighted to avail every obligation- free consultation in order to discuss the feasibility of the project! Ensuring there is no obstruction to give it a go ahead at any time, we’ll provide you with available options and guidance making best possible decision for the property to work on…!!!